City of South San Francisco header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/22/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Municipal Services Building, Council Chambers 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-225 11. PresentationProclamation recognizing March as Irish American Heritage Month. (Mayor Flor Nicolas)   Action details Not available
23-223 12. PresentationCertificate recognizing Marian Manahan, El Camino High School student and award-winning artist. (Mayor Flor Nicolas)   Action details Not available
23-224 13. PresentationProclamation recognizing April as Fair Housing Month. (Mayor Flor Nicolas)   Action details Not available
23-226 14. PresentationCertificate recognizing March as National Nutrition Month and recognizing Second Harvest Food Bank. (Mayor Flor Nicolas)   Action details Not available
23-227 15. PresentationCertificate recognizing Spark of Creation Studio. (Mayor Flor Nicolas)   Action details Not available
23-251 1  Staff ReportUnder the Public Comment section of the agenda, members of the public may speak on any item not listed on the Agenda and on items listed under the Consent Calendar. Individuals may not share or offer time to another speaker. Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The City Council may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future Council meeting. Written comments on agenda items received prior to 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be included as part of the meeting record but will not be read aloud. If there appears to be a large number of speakers, the Mayor may reduce speaking time to limit the total amount of time for public comments (Gov. Code sec. 54954.3(b)(1).). Speakers that are not in compliance with the City Council's rules of decorum will be muted.   Action details Not available
23-222 26. MinutesMotion to approve the Minutes for March 8, 2023. (Rosa Govea Acosta, City Clerk)approvedPass Action details Not available
23-182 18. MotionMotion to receive and file the City’s Housing Successor Agency Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. (Nell Selander, Economic & Community Development Director)approvedPass Action details Not available
23-174 19. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution approving Parcel Map 22-1236 for the purposes of dedicating new public easements and splitting the existing parcel into three lots as part of the 180 El Camino Real Redevelopment project; and authorizing the recording of said Parcel Map and all related documents with the San Mateo County Recorder. (Jason Hallare, Senior Civil Engineer)   Action details Not available
23-175 19a ResolutionResolution approving Parcel Map 22-1236 for the purposes of dedicating new public easements and splitting the existing parcel into three lots as part of the 180 El Camino Real Redevelopment project; and authorizing the recording of said Parcel Map and all related documents with the San Mateo County Recorder.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-191 110. Staff ReportReport regarding adoption of a resolution approving a third amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with Kimley Horn and Associates and amending the total budget for the Smart Corridors South San Francisco Expansion Project. (Angel Torres, Senior Civil Engineer)   Action details Not available
23-192 110a. ResolutionResolution approving an amendment to Kimley-Horn and Associate’s contract to provide additional design support during construction for an additional amount of $88,344.90, for a total amount not to exceed $448,064.90, extending the contract term, and authorizing a total contract authority budget of $500,000, for the Smart Corridors South San Francisco Expansion Project (Project No. tr2002)approvedPass Action details Not available
23-217 111. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution authorizing an agreement between the San Mateo County Library and the South San Francisco Public Library to provide staffing for the Big Lift Inspiring Summers program in South San Francisco and approving Budget Amendment 23.055 accepting up to $15,000 in reimbursement funding. (Valerie Sommer, Library Director)   Action details Not available
23-218 111a. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement between the San Mateo County Library and the South San Francisco Public Library to provide staffing for the Big Lift Inspiring Summers program in South San Francisco and approving Budget Amendment 23.055 accepting up to $15,000 in reimbursement funding.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-204 112. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a $5,000 donation from the South San Francisco Police Activities League for the Orange Memorial Park Sports Field Project (project number pk1402), and amending the Parks and Recreation Department’s Operating Budget pursuant to budget amendment #23.054. (Greg Mediati, Director, Parks and Recreation Department)   Action details Not available
23-205 112a. ResolutionResolution authorizing the acceptance of a $5,000 donation from the South San Francisco Police Activities League for the Orange Memorial Park Sports Field Project (project number pk1402), and amending the Parks and Recreation Department’s Operating Budget pursuant to Budget Amendment #23.054.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-228 114. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution continuing to declare and ratify the existence of a local emergency relating to major storm and flooding events. (Sharon Ranals, City Manager and Sky Woodruff, City Attorney)   Action details Not available
23-229 114a. ResolutionResolution continuing to declare and ratify the existence of a local emergency relating to major storm and flooding events.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-163 17. MotionMotion to accept the 2022 Housing Element and General Plan Annual Progress Report and authorize its transmittal to the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (ORP) and the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). (Tony Rozzi, Chief Planner and Stephanie Skangos, Associate Planner)approvedPass Action details Not available
23-172 113. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution authorizing the acceptance of $15,000 in grant funding from Smart Growth America to support the City’s participation in the Complete Streets Leadership Academy with Caltrans. (Christopher Espiritu, Senior Transportation Planner)   Action details Not available
23-173 113a. ResolutionResolution authorizing the acceptance of $15,000 in grant funding from Smart Growth America to support the City’s participation in the Complete Streets Leadership Academy with Caltrans and amending the Economic and Community Development Department’s Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Operating Budget via Budget Amendment #23.053.continued  Action details Not available
23-231 115. Staff ReportReport regarding approval of a resolution providing a letter of support for the San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans) Emission Zero: North Base Transformation project. (Christina Fernandez, Chief Sustainability Officer)   Action details Not available
23-235 115a. ResolutionResolution approving a letter of support for the San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans) Emission Zero: North Base Transformation ProjectapprovedPass Action details Not available
23-156 116. Staff ReportReport regarding an ordinance amending Section 2.56.050 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to change the regular time for the Planning Commission from 7:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. (Adena Friedman, Principal Planner and Tony Rozzi, Chief Planner)   Action details Not available
23-157 116a. OrdinanceOrdinance amending Section 2.56.050 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code, regarding the start time of Planning Commission meetingscontinued  Action details Not available
22-993 117. Staff ReportReport regarding an ordinance to amend Title 15 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to adopt a reach code for all-electric nonresidential new construction and enhanced electric vehicle charging infrastructure. (Christina Fernandez, Chief Sustainability Officer; Phillip Perry, Chief Building Official; Leila Silver, Integrative Designs 360)   Action details Not available
22-994 117a. OrdinanceOrdinance Amending Chapter 15.22 “Green Building Code” of Title 15 “Buildings and Construction” of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to Adopt Local “Reach Codes” for Residential and Non-Residential Developments to Increase Building Efficiency and Increase Requirements Related to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.withdrawn  Action details Not available
23-185 118. Staff ReportReport regarding the status of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of South San Francisco and the South San Francisco Unified School District. (Scott Campbell, Chief of Police)   Action details Not available
23-201 119. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution to authorize application to and participation in the California Department of Housing and Community Development Prohousing Designation Program (Adena Friedman, Principal Planner and Tony Rozzi, Chief Planner)   Action details Not available
23-211 119a. ResolutionResolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco authorizing application to and participation in the Prohousing Designation ProgramapprovedPass Action details Not available
23-183 120. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution affirming the City’s support for Bridge Housing Corporation’s application to the Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Grant program, authorizing the City Manager to execute an AHSC Implementation and Cooperation Agreement with Bridge Housing Corporation, and approving Budget Amendment Number 23.057 appropriating $250,000 to acquire an EV sub-compact sweeper. (Nell Selander, Economic & Community Development Director)   Action details Not available
23-237 120a. ResolutionResolution affirming the City’s support for Bridge Housing Corporation’s application to the Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Grant program, authorizing the City Manager to execute an AHSC Implementation and Cooperation Agreement with Bridge Housing Corporation, and approving Budget Amendment Number 23.057 appropriating $250,000 to acquire an EV sub-compact sweeper.approvedPass Action details Not available