City of South San Francisco header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/8/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: HYBRID IN-PERSON /VIRTUAL MEETING 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco, CA
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
23-103 11. PresentationProclamation recognizing February as Black History Month. (Flor Nicolas, Mayor)   Action details Not available
23-102 12. MotionMotion to approve the Minutes for January 17, 2023, January 18, 2023, and January 25, 2023. (Rosa Govea Acosta, City Clerk)approvedPass Action details Not available
23-82 13. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution accepting $5,003.67 from the South San Francisco Friends of the Library to support library collections and programs in the New Main Library, and approving Budget Amendment # 23.044. (Valerie Sommer, Library Director)approvedPass Action details Not available
23-83 13a. ResolutionResolution accepting $5,003.67 from the South San Francisco Friends of the Library to support library collections and programs in the New Main Library, and approving Budget Amendment # 23.044.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-97 14. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution making findings and declaring the property located at 367 Marina Boulevard (APN 015-011-350) as surplus land and authorizing transmittal of a Notice of Availability. (Ernesto Lucero, Acting Deputy Director, Economic and Community Development Department)   Action details Not available
23-87 14a. ResolutionResolution making findings and declaring the property located at 367 Marina Boulevard (APN 015-011-350) as surplus land and authorizing transmission of Notices of Availability.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-92 15. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution authorizing the acceptance of $20,500 in donations from the South San Francisco Association of Firefighters Local 1507 Charity Foundation. (Jess Magallanes, Fire Chief)   Action details Not available
23-93 15a. ResolutionResolution authorizing the acceptance of $20,500 in donations from the South San Francisco Association of Firefighters Local 1507 Charity Foundation.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-101 16. MotionMotion to accept Measure W Citizens’ Oversight Committee report independently verifying Fiscal Year 2021-22 Measure W revenues and expenditures. (Karen Chang, Director of Finance; and Sharon Ranals, Interim City Manager)approvedPass Action details Not available
23-104 17. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution accepting the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and other related Miscellaneous reports for Fiscal Year 2021-22 (Karen Chang, Finance Director)   Action details Not available
23-105 17a. ResolutionResolution approving the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and other related Miscellaneous reports for Fiscal Year 2021-22approvedPass Action details Not available
23-100 18. Staff ReportMotion to approve the Schematic Design of the Orange Memorial Park Aquatic Center (Project No. pk2310). (Philip Vitale, Deputy Director of Capital Projects)approvedPass Action details Not available
23-21 19. Staff ReportReport regarding a resolution approving the acceptance of specified grant funds from the California Budget Act of 2022, item 3790-101-0001 as amended by Assembly Bill 179, in an amount of $3,200,000 for the Linden Park project at 616 and 700 Linden Avenue pursuant to budget amendment #23.043. (Greg Mediati, Director of Parks and Recreation, Philip Vitale, Deputy Director of Capital Projects, and Christina Fernandez, Deputy City Manager)   Action details Not available
23-22 19a. ResolutionResolution authorizing the acceptance of specified grant funds from the Budget Act of 2022, item 3790-101-0001 as amended by Assembly Bill 179, Section 19.56 item# (b)(1)(AK) in an amount of $3,200,000 for the Linden Avenue Park project pursuant to budget amendment #23.043.approvedPass Action details Not available
23-62 110. Staff ReportReport regarding a recommendation to authorize the submittal of two applications for the San Mateo County Shuttle program funding in a total amount of $1,661,876.25, committing a 25% total matching contribution of $553,958.75 from South San Francisco Local Measure A funds, in support of the South City Shuttle program. (Marissa Garren, Management Analyst I)   Action details Not available
23-63 110a. ResolutionResolution authorizing the submittal of an application for the San Mateo County Shuttle Program Funding in an amount of $1,064,400 and committing a 25% matching contribution of $354,800 from South San Francisco Local Measure A funds, in support of the South City Shuttle programapprovedPass Action details Not available
23-106 110b. ResolutionResolution authorizing the submittal of a second application for the San Mateo County Shuttle program funding in an amount of $597,476.25 and committing a 25% matching contribution of $199,158.75 from South San Francisco Local Measure A funds, to provide additional shuttle services in South San FranciscoapprovedPass Action details Not available