Report regarding an ordinance to amend Title 15 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code to adopt a reach code for all-electric nonresidential new construction and enhanced electric vehicle charging infrastructure. (Christina Fernandez, Chief Sustainability Officer; Phillip Perry, Chief Building Official; Leila Silver, Integrative Designs 360)
Staff recommends that the City Council waive reading and introduce an ordinance amending the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code to 1) require newly constructed nonresidential buildings to be all-electric, with limited exceptions and 2) establish electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure requirements for new residential and non-residential construction that are more stringent than statewide standards.
The City of South San Francisco (the City) is committed and uniquely positioned to become a regional climate leader and has taken the initiative to update its original 2014 Climate Action Plan (CAP) to align with new State regulations and targets to combat climate change. The City intends to remain a leader in sustainability by implementing policies, incentives, educational programs, and new technology that further decarbonization efforts. The CAP update sets targets to achieve carbon neutrality by 20451 which aligns with the States targets and exceeds goals set by the original 2014 CAP2. The CAP also outlines the City's commitment to equitably mitigate and address the impacts of climate change, while realizing the co-benefits of climate mitigation actions that help create a sustainable community. In 2016, the City joined Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE), a public, locally controlled electricity provider, that provides the City with access to carbon free electricity generated 100% by renewable sources.
As a strategy to support the CAP, on June 9, 2021, City Council adopted the City's first local building electrification reach code that re...
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