Report regarding a resolution to approve a Second Amendment with CSS Environmental Services, Inc. of Novato, California, for the Environmental Monitoring of the former Oyster Point Landfill in an amount not to exceed $257,039 for an additional two years, authorizing a total budget of $949,139, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement. (Amanda Parker, Management Analyst I)
Staff recommends City Council adopt a resolution to approve a Second Amendment with CSS Environmental Services, Inc. of Novato, California for the Environmental Monitoring of the former Oyster Point Landfill in an amount not to exceed $257,039 for an additional two years, authorizing a total budget of $949,139, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement.
The Oyster Point Landfill is a City-owned, closed, unlined Class III landfill located along the San Francisco Bay in the City of South San Francisco (for map, see Attachment 1). The landfill area has been developed for use as open space, biotech development, bay trail, public marina, boat launch area, and a future hotel complex. The San Mateo Harbor District operates the public marina on the landfill and is responsible for the general maintenance of the marina facilities.
The landfill is regulated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) under Order No. 00-046 (herein referred as "Order"), issued on June 21, 2000. The Order imposes closure and post-closure requirements on the City as part of ongoing development. Technical environmental monitoring reports that are submitted to the RWQCP are a requirement of the Order. City staff relies on environmental consultants with appropriate expertise to perform the required monitoring and reporting.
In 2018, the City entered into an agreement with CSS Environmental Services, Inc. for the required monitoring and reporting. The original 2021 agreement and subsequent amendments expired on J...
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