Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a consulting services contract with Lotus Water of San Francisco, California for the Storm Drain Master Plan (sd2301) for $2,702,339 and authorizing a Budget Amendment 23.067 to add $2,580,000 for a total project allocation of $3,380,000.
WHEREAS, a Storm Drain Master Plan (SDMP) is an essential planning tool that enables a public agency to evaluate its storm drain system, identify deficiencies that can cause overflows, specify preventive maintenance practices, and develop a list of repair and replacement projects which can be incorporated into future Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects; and
WHEREAS, the City of South San Francisco (City) last updated the SDMP in 2016; and
WHEREAS, this SDMP update (CIP# sd2301) will include: a systemwide survey and assessment of the current infrastructure, a full catalog, inventory, and GIS database, a set of defined and detailed storm drainage design standards, an updated hydraulic model, an updated CIP list of repairs and replacement projects, a new Operations and Maintenance Manual, and program support for funding and continuous updates; and
WHEREAS, staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for professional engineering services on December 27, 2022, on the OpenGov procurement website; and
WHEREAS, five (5) proposals were received on the due date of February 13, 2023; and
WHEREAS, interviews were held for the five proposing consultants on March 6 and 7, 2023; and
WHEREAS, based on the interviews, qualifications, experience, resources, familiarity with the City, and positive references, staff recommends Lotus Water (Consultant) for award of the consulting services contract; and
WHEREAS, no compensation beyond the new Consultant's contract not-to-exceed amount of $2,702,339 will be authorized without a mutually agreed upon level of effort and corresponding contract amendment; and
WHEREAS, staff recommends the project include budget for Engineering m...
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