Resolution authorizing the acceptance of $127,000 in grant funding from the County of San Mateo for the Big Lift Little Steps Preschool at the Gene Mullin Community Learning Center and amending the Parks and Recreation Department's Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating Budget pursuant to Budget Amendment Number 25.044.
WHEREAS, the Big Lift initiative, a collaborative launched by the County of San Mateo, the San Mateo County Office of Education, and Silicon Valley Community Foundation, aims to help San Mateo County students achieve reading proficiency by the end of third grade; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation has been the recipient of Big Lift grant funds since Fiscal Year 2014-2015, using these funds to open the Little Steps Preschool at the Gene Mullin Community Learning Center in April 2016; and
WHEREAS, these grant funds will be utilized to fund the Little Steps Preschool and support reading readiness, parent engagement, improved attendance, and enhanced preschool teacher trainings, as allowed by the terms of the grant agreement; and
WHEREAS, acceptance of these funds does not commit the City to ongoing funding after the close of the grant cycle; and
WHEREAS, receipt of these grant funds enables the Parks and Recreation Department to offer 10 subsidized preschool spaces at the Little Steps Preschool to low-income households pursuant to California Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) income ceilings, and eligible families would be assessed tuition on a sliding scale, not to exceed the City's adopted preschool fee of $714 per month, based on family size and household income; and
WHEREAS, through the Big Lift, the City will work collaboratively with other Big Lift partners to enhance the quality of City and community preschools.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the City Council hereby authorizes the acceptance of $127,000 in grant funding from ...
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