Report regarding a resolution authorizing the approval of Budget Amendment #23.073 to include Program Supplemental Agreement No. F028 with the State of California for the Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program (Project No. st1703) in the amount of $115,089 and remove the $1,569,000 Highway Bridge Program grant amount from the total budget; and authorizing the approval of Budget Amendment #23.075 to remove the $528,000 Highway Bridge Program grant from the total project budget for the Grand Avenue Overhead Structure at US 101(Project No. st1804). (Lawrence Henriquez, Senior Civil Engineer)
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the approval of Budget Amendment #23.073 to include Program Supplemental Agreement No. F028 for the Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program (st1703) in an amount of $115,089 and remove the $1,569,000 Highway Bridge Program grant amount from the total budget; and authorizing the approval of Budget Amendment #23.075 to remove the $528,000 Highway Bridge Program grant from the total project budget for the Grand Avenue Overhead Structure at US 101 (st1804).
The City of South San Francisco ("City") has an ongoing Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program (BPMP) for the fourteen (14) vehicle bridges that are under the Caltrans Bridge Inspection Program. The BPMP was created to help local agencies extend the life of their bridges by performing certain activities that have been preapproved by the Federal Highway Administration.
The Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program Goals are to:
1. Maintain the existing inventory of bridges in a structurally safe and serviceable condition.
2. Correct minor structural deficiencies early in a bridge's life, rather than wait until a bridge has major problems requiring costly rehabilitation, reconstruction or replacement.
3. Extend the service lives of existing bridges.
4. Make efficient use of limited resources...
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