Resolution authorizing the acceptance of donations from various community partners totaling $1,000 for Fiscal Year 2022-23, as well as in-kind donations of supplies and volunteer support for Parks and Recreation Department programs and events.
WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department (Department) received in-kind donations for the 49th Annual Thanksgiving Fun Run from Genentech (use of a parking lot on the Genentech campus to stage parking and support the logistical set up of the event at the start/finish line); Trader Joe’s (15 cases of water); and O2Bodyfit (three certificates for one month of free classes); and a monetary donation in the amount of $1,000 from Kaiser Permanente, which offset the cost of runner awards, raffle prizes, and snacks; and
WHEREAS, the Department received in-kind donations for the Santa Comes to Town event from the South San Francisco Kiwanis Club (supplies to host a photo booth - use of camera and printers, photo paper and ink, paper photo frames, accompanied by a tremendous volunteer effort), and the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce (500 candy canes); and
WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department appreciates contributions from individual community members and local organizations that help continue and enhance the Department’s mission to provide opportunities for physical, cultural, and social well-being; protect and enhance the physical environment; and ensure the effective and efficient use of public facilities and open space.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco hereby accepts donations from various community partners totaling $1,000 for Fiscal Year 2022-23, as well as in-kind donations of supplies and volunteer support for Parks and Recreation Department programs and events.
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