Report regarding a resolution approving the purchase of two type one fire engines; authorizing the City Manager to enter into a purchase agreement with Golden State Fire Apparatus, Inc. for the construction and purchase from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. in the amount of $2,481,923.16; approving the purchase of tools and equipment in the amount of $120,000.00; and approving Budget Amendment #23.072 to appropriate $598,442.33 from the Public Safety Impact Fee into the Vehicle Replacement Fund, for a total amount of $2,601,923.16. (Jess Magallanes, Fire Chief)
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the purchase of two type one fire engines; authorizing the City Manager to enter into a purchase agreement with Golden State Fire Apparatus, Inc. for the construction and purchase from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. in the amount of $2,481,923.16; approving the purchase of tools and equipment in the amount of $120,000.00; and approving Budget Amendment #23.072 to appropriate $598,442.33 from the Public Safety Impact Fee into the Vehicle Replacement Fund, for a total amount of $2,601,923.16.
The South San Francisco Fire Department provides fire suppression, emergency medical care, hazardous materials response, and rescue response through an all-risk hazards response model from its five fire stations. Exclusive of transport ambulances and specialized equipment, this is accomplished using four front-line fire engines and a quint apparatus. Additionally, three reserve fire engines and a reserve quint are maintained to provide for continuity of service when a front-line unit is placed out of service for maintenance or repair work. Reserve fire engines are also used in high-call volume periods and large-scale incidents requiring increased capacity. Examples of these types of events include: severe weather events, California Office of Emergency Services mutual aid requests, and ...
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