Resolution authorizing the filing of an application for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Active Transportation Capital Design Technical Assistance Grant for $300,000 for the Colma South San Francisco El Camino Real Bike and Pedestrian Improvements Project (tr2415).
WHEREAS, the Town of Colma proposes to design and construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements along El Camino Real. In October 2023, Colma reached out to South San Francisco to request partnership to extend this project into South San Francisco; and
WHEREAS, Segment C of the project is from Arlington Drive to Hickey Boulevard in the City of South San Francisco; and
WHEREAS, the Project proposes to install a Class I multi-use path along Segment C; and
WHEREAS, to facilitate the build out of MTC’s 3,244-mile Active Transportation Network, design assistance is available to local jurisdictions for active transportation projects located on the Network; and
WHEREAS, staff requests the City Council approve an application for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Active Transportation Capital Design Technical Assistance Grant for $300,000 for the Colma South San Francisco El Camino Real Bike and Pedestrian Improvements Project (tr2415); and
WHEREAS, there is no local match required.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco hereby authorizes an application to the MTC Active Transportation Capital Design Technical Assistance Grant.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the City Manager to take any other related actions consistent with the intention of the resolution and accompanying staff report including grant execution if awarded.
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