Resolution authorizing submittal of an application for Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery funds allocated through the State of California in their fiscal year 2022-2023 budget in the amount of $16,369 to support beverage container recycling programs in South San Francisco and authorizing the finance director to adjust the City's fiscal year 2022-2023 revenue budget upon receipt of funds pursuant to budget amendment 23.041
WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code sections 48000 et seq., 14581, and 42023.1(g), the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) has established various payment programs to make payments to qualifying jurisdictions; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 14581(a)(3)(A) of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act, CalRecycle is distributing $10,500,000 in fiscal year (FY) 2022-2023 to eligible cities and counties for beverage container recycling and litter cleanup activities; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the beverage container recycling program is to reach and maintain an 80 percent recycling rate for all California Refund Value beverage containers - aluminum, glass, plastic, and bi-metal. Projects implemented by cities and counties will assist in reaching and maintaining this goal; and
WHEREAS, in furtherance of this authority CalRecycle is required to establish procedures governing the administration of the payment programs; and
WHEREAS, CalRecycle's procedures for administering payment programs require, among other things, an applicant's governing body to declare by resolution certain authorizations related to the administration of the payment program; and
WHEREAS, since 2005-06, the City of South San Francisco has utilized the CalRecycle funding source to enhance its support of recycling programs, such as the purchase of multi-stream waste receptacles for city parks and facilities; and
WHEREAS, funding received from CalRecycle's Beverage Con...
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