Report regarding a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the National League of Cities for an Advancing Economic Mobility grant and approving Budget Amendment #25.010 appropriating $20,000 in grant funds. (Michael Guss, Economic Development Specialist)
Staff recommends City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the National League of Cities to accept grant funding from the Advancing Economic Mobility Grant Program, and appropriate $20,000 in grant funds under Budget Amendment #25.010.
Staff applied for a $20,000 grant from the National League of Cities ("NLC") Advancing Economic Mobility Grant Program - a competitive, nationwide grant. The City of South San Francisco was one of 12 cities in the nation to receive the grant. The other 11 include: Aurora, IL; Burlington, VT; Chester, AR; Durango, CO; El Paso, TX; Frederick, MD; Grand Island, NE; Gustavus, AK; Lansing, MI; Linden, AL; and St. Peterburg, FL.
The goal of the Advancing Economic Mobility Grant Program is to assist cities in testing innovative ideas that boost the economic mobility of residents. The City applied for this funding to support the Promotores Program, which provides system navigation assistance to South San Francisco residents. To date, the Promotores Program has assisted 476 individuals by providing referrals to housing agencies, Medi-Cal, health care providers, and legal aid services, as well as making referrals to the City's existing partners within the Economic Advancement Center ("EAC"). While 43% of South San Francisco's population identifies as Asian American, the majority of clients served by the Promotores Program have been Latino. This grant enables enhanced outreach focused on the Asian American community in South San Francisco. The work of the Promotores generates clients for service-focused agencies oper...
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