Report regarding an ordinance establishing a local preference for deed restricted affordable housing units that gives preference to applicants who live, have lived, or work within the City of South San Francisco. (Pierce Abrahamson, Management Analyst II)
Staff recommends that the City Council consider introducing a Local Preference Ordinance that gives applicants for some deed restricted affordable housing units who live, have lived, or work within the City of South San Francisco a preference point during the applicant selection process. The intention of this policy is to prevent the displacement of existing residents and workers in the City while providing opportunities for prior displaced residents to return.
Local preference policies require landlords with deed restricted affordable housing units, such as those required in inclusionary housing or City-funded fully affordable developments, to prioritize local applicants during the applicant selection process. Local preference policies are just that - a preference. They do not establish a requirement to apply for affordable housing lotteries. Even with a local preference policy in place, any income-eligible person may still apply for deed restricted units. Local preferences are common in peer jurisdictions such as Redwood City and San Mateo County and are intended to reduce displacement and commute time for low- and moderate-income residents and workers within the community.
As part of the City's Procedures and Guidelines for Inclusionary Housing Units ("Guidelines"), the City already applies a local preference that requires property owners to prioritize City residents or workers in the affordable housing lottery selection process for deed restricted affordable units. The City has been able to implement this policy through regulatory agreements of deed restricted units with individual property owners at individual for-sale below market rate housing units, market rate de...
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