Ordinance amending the South San Francisco Municipal Code to add Chapter 8.100 (Local Preferences and Requirements) to Title 8 to define a preference policy requirement for housing units regulated by the City of South San Francisco in order to prioritize housing applicants who live and/or work in the City.
WHEREAS the 2023-2031 City of South San Francisco Housing Element documents the increase in displacement pressures in the City, noting "[n]early the entire city is vulnerable to displacement" and noting that one of the sources of the pressure is that "the growth in jobs in South San Francisco has vastly outpaced the growth in the housing stock over recent decades;"
WHEREAS pursuant to Government Code Section 8899.50, cities and counties are tasked with the mandate of affirmatively furthering fair housing, which includes addressing significant disparities in housing needs and in access to opportunity;
WHEREAS pursuant to Government Code Section 7061, California has recognized residential preferences as a legitimate anti-displacement policy;
WHEREAS according to the 2019 South San Francisco General Plan Update (Transportation Element), a person commuting into the City on average spends more than two hours traveling to and from work;
WHEREAS reducing the jobs-housing imbalance by creating opportunities for people to live near where they work can reduce commute times and related traffic congestion;
WHEREAS the City's local preference will provide income-eligible households who live or work within the City a priority when applying to rent or purchase available affordable residential units provided pursuant to the City's inclusionary housing program or density bonus program or provided as a condition of financial or other support by the City for the new construction, substantial rehabilitation, or acquisition of the residential development; and
WHEREAS the City has conducted a fair housing analysis of the local preference policy and concluded that the lo...
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