Resolution adopting a General Plan Amendment (GPA23-0001) to repeal the 2015-2023 Housing Element and adopt the Housing Element for the Period of 2023-2031 in compliance with state housing element law.
WHEREAS, the California Legislature has found that "California has a housing supply and affordability crisis of historic proportions. The consequences of failing to effectively and aggressively confront this crisis are hurting millions of Californians, robbing future generations of the chance to call California home, stifling economic opportunities for workers and businesses, worsening poverty and homelessness, and undermining the state's environmental and climate objectives" (Gov. Code Section 65589.5.); and
WHEREAS, the Legislature has further found that "Among the consequences of those actions are discrimination against low-income and minority households, lack of housing to support employment growth, imbalance in jobs and housing, reduced mobility, urban sprawl, excessive commuting, and air quality deterioration" (Gov. Code Section 65589.5.); and
WHEREAS, the Legislature recently adopted the Housing Crisis Act of 2019 ("SB 330") which states that "In 2018, California ranked 49th out of the 50 states in housing units per capita... California needs an estimated 180,000 additional homes annually to keep up with population growth, and the Governor has called for 3.5 million new homes to be built over 7 years"; and
WHEREAS, State Housing Element Law (Government Code Sections 65580 et seq.) requires that the City of South San Francisco ("City") City Council adopt a Housing Element for the eight-year period 2023-2031 to accommodate the City's Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA) of 3,956 housing units, comprised of 871 very-low income units, 502 low-income units, 720 moderate-income units, and 1,863 above moderate-income units; and
WHEREAS, to comply with State Housing Element Law, the City has prepared the Housing Element Update 2023-2031 (the "Ho...
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