Resolution authorizing a five-year agreement with Speridian Technologies LLC., for the implementation of Clariti Software for the City's new community development permitting system in the amount of $625,000 plus a 15% contingency in the amount of $93,750, for a total not to exceed amount of $718,750, authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement, and approving Budget Amendment Number 25-045.
WHEREAS, the City's Community Development Permitting System which supports multiple City departments has been in place for over twenty years; and
WHEREAS, the current system lacks modern features, has recently experienced issues and has become difficult to acquire support for; and
WHEREAS, the City partnered with an experienced Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Consultant, Plante Moran, to seek a vendor for the City's new ERP System; and
WHEREAS, a Request for Proposal was posted to OpenGov, eight responses were received, a Selection Committee composed of City staff selected Clariti Cloud Inc., with Speridian Technologies as their implementation partner; and
WHEREAS, Speridian Technologies is a premier partner of Clariti Cloud Inc., and as such Speridian will configure and deploy Clariti software to meet the City's requirements; and
WHEREAS, implementation of the City's new permitting system is expected to take 15 months from the start date; and
WHEREAS, the implementation will include, but not limited to, Permitting, Planning and Zoning, Code Enforcement, Online Application Portal, Contractor Licensing, Address Management, Cashiering and Fee Management, Electronic Plan Review Integration, Inspections, Meeting Board Hearings, Integrations/Interfaces, Data Conversion, Training, and Business Licensing (Optional); and
WHEREAS, Speridian Technologies will work with City staff, and Clariti Cloud Inc., to transition the City's business processes to the new platform; and
WHEREAS, Speridian's total five-year cost for implementation services and ongoin...
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