Resolution authorizing the acceptance of $20,500 in donations from the South San Francisco Association of Firefighters Local 1507 Charity Foundation.
WHEREAS, the Fire Department received a donation from the South San Francisco Association of Firefighters Local 1507 Charity Foundation, a local non-profit organization that supports various community efforts, including assisting with the annual Holiday Toy Drive and other volunteering efforts; and
WHEREAS, in December 2022, the Fire, Police and other City Departments provided gift cards to approximately 670 children during the Holiday Food distribution wherein each child received a $35 gift card allowing them to shop for a toy of their choice; and
WHEREAS, funds from the Local 1507 Charity Foundation will be used to offset the cost of purchasing Toy Drive gift cards and peripheral items for the annual Holiday Toy Drive, and any remaining monies held as reserves to support similar future programs.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that the City hereby accepts $20,500 in donations from the South San Francisco Association of Firefighters Local 1507 to support the annual Holiday Toy Drive and similar future programs.
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