Resolution making findings and declaring the property located at 367 Marina Boulevard (APN 015-011-350) as surplus land and authorizing transmission of Notices of Availability.
WHEREAS, the City is the owner of a property located at 367 Marina Boulevard (APN 015-011-350), which is the site of a former municipal landfill; and
WHEREAS, the City has identified the property as a City-owned site that is suitable for disposition to a third-party for development; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the property is not needed for City use and is therefore declaring the property “surplus land” in accordance with the definition of “surplus land” as provided in Section 102(x) of the Surplus Land Act Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, the City intends to dispose of the property in accordance with the requirements of the Surplus Land Act and therefore, authorizes staff to prepare and transmit Notices of Availability and commence the required Surplus Land Act noticing period and associated 90-day good-faith negotiation period if notices of interest are received.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that
1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this Resolution; and
2. The City-owned property located at 367 Marina Boulevard is surplus land and is not necessary for City use; and
3. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to transmit Notices of Availability for the property in accordance with the requirements of the Surplus Land Act; and
4. The City Manager is authorized to take any related action in furtherance of the intent of this Resolution.
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