Report regarding a Public Hearing for the 45-day comment period from June 20, 2024 to August 5, 2024 for the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed 131 Terminal development project for a new 1.7 million square feet research and development (R&D) campus at 131 Terminal Court. (Billy Gross, Principal Planner)
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review and take public testimony on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and provide any additional comments to staff.
Infinite 131 Project Application Overview
The project applicant, US 131 Terminal Court Owner, LLC (Steelwave), has submitted an application for a new research and development (R&D) campus at 131 Terminal Court, which is within the Lindenville Specific Plan Area. The project site currently contains the existing Golden Gate Produce Terminal, consisting of approximately 126,750 square feet (sq. ft.) of industrial and operational uses, along with approximately 116,500 sq. ft. of open-air structures (e.g., loading docks, trash compactor areas), on a 17.67-acre site.
The Infinite 131 Project would construct approximately 1.7 million sq. ft. of office/ research and development (R&D) uses and amenities within seven buildings, ranging from one to six stories, along with two parking garages and additional surface parking. The Infinite 131 Project would require general plan, specific plan, and zoning code amendments to change the existing land use and zoning designations from Mixed Industrial High (MIH) to Business Technology Park High (BTP-H) and allow development of the R&D campus. In addition, five parcels north of the project site at 120 Terminal Court, 196 Produce Avenue, 160 Produce Avenue, and 140 Produce Avenue (off-site redesignation parcels), which are currently designated and zoned as MIH, would also seek general plan, specific plan and zoning code amendments to be redesignated as BTP-H. The proposed ...
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