Report regarding a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Letter of Local Acknowledgement supporting the County of San Mateo’s Encampment Resolution Funding Program (ERF) grant application. (Sharon Ranals, City Manager)
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign on to a Letter of Local Acknowledgement supporting the County of San Mateo’s Encampment Resolution Funding Program (ERF) application.
The State of California’s Encampment Resolution Funding Program (ERF) is a $350 million competitive grant program available to assist local jurisdictions in ensuring the wellness and safety of people experiencing homelessness in encampments by providing services and supports that address their immediate physical and mental wellness and result in meaningful paths to safe and stable housing. Eligible applicants include counties, Continuums of Care (CoCs), and cities of any size.
The County of San Mateo will be requesting $20 million for a three-year project that anticipates moving 91 people into permanent housing by June 30, 2026. The project is part of a countywide Working Together to End Homelessness effort and will utilize the new San Mateo County Navigation Center’s 240 units for temporary housing as a stepping stone while also leveraging state Homekey funds with which we plan to create new permanent housing.
The County’s plan is comprehensive and brings together health, housing, and homelessness specialists to deliver the needed outreach, case management, and other supports needed to achieve our project’s goals and, ultimately, the county’s goal of net-zero homelessness.
The County has requested the City of South San Francisco support their efforts by signing on to a Letter of Local Acknowledgement no later than Friday, April 14, 2023. The City has long partnered with the County in its pursuit of providing affordable housing in a high cost region and support of this application aligns with the City’s affordable housing goals outlined in the City’s General Plan.
There is no fiscal impact to the City of South San Francisco.
Support of the County of San Mateo’s pursuit of Encampment Resolution Funding meets the City’s strategic goals of providing a high quality of life for all residents.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign on to a Letter of Local Acknowledgement supporting the County of San Mateo’s Encampment Resolution Funding Program (ERF) grant application.