Report regarding applications for Design Review, Vesting Tentative Map, and a Transportation Demand Management Plan to allow two office / R&D buildings, an amenity building, and an associated parking structure at 120 East Grand Avenue and determination that the project is statutorily and categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act and is eligible for streamlined review via an Addendum to the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report. (CEQA Guidelines sections 15332, 15183, 15164; Public Resources Code Section 21155.4) (Adena Friedman, Principal Planner)
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and take the following actions:
1. Approve a resolution making findings and a determination that Project is fully within the scope of environmental analysis in the previously certified 2015 Downtown Station Area Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and that the 2023 project Addendum is the appropriate environmental document for the project, and that no further environmental review is required per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164; and the project subject to CEQA streamlining per CEQA Guidelines Sections 15183, is categorically exempt from CEQA per CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, and is statutorily exempt from CEQA per California Public Resources Code Section 21155.4.
2. Adopt a resolution making findings approving the entitlements request for Project P22-0039 including Design Review (DR22-0015), Vesting Tentative Map (PM23-0002), and Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDM22-0003), subject to the attached Conditions of Approval.
1. Move to adopt the resolution making a CEQA determination.
2. Move to adopt the resolution approving planning entitlements subject to conditions of approval.
Site Overview
The 120 East Grand Avenue project site is composed of six parcels, which together comprise a 4.6-scre site. The site is located at East Grand Avenue and Sylvester Road, within the East of 101 area, proximate to the newly expanded and relocated Caltrain station. The site currently is developed with single-story warehouse buildings, outdoor storage, and surface parking areas. Existing uses surrounding the site include a hotel on the north side of East Grand Avenue, additional warehouse uses to the south, and the PG&E substation directly to the west of the site. The Caltrain station is northwest of the project site.
The 120 E. Grand is within the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan, and is zoned East of 101 Transit Core (ETC) which permits employment uses including office and R&D. There have been several office / R&D projects within the vicinity of the 120 East Grand project that have been recently entitled, including 100 East Grand (to the west of the project site), and 121 East Grand (to the north of the project site). This area is transitioning from lower-intensity warehouse / storage uses, to higher-intensity transit-oriented employment uses.
Entitlements Request
The 120 East Grand project is seeking the following entitlements:
• Design Review
• Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program
• Vesting Tentative Map
• CEQA Determination
Project Description
The project applicant, Trammel Crow Company, proposes to demolish the existing buildings on site, and develop an office / R&D campus, with associated amenities, open space, and a parking structure. The proposed project includes two new office / R&D buildings (Buildings 1 and 2), and amenities building (Building 3) and an eight-story (90’) parking structure containing 756 spaces and a 2,000 sq. ft. commercial space. Building 1 is proposed as an 11-story (198’) building of approximately 333,370 square feet (sq. ft.). Building 2 is proposed as a five-story (102’) building (approximately 155,000 sq. ft.) and Building 3 is a single-story (29’) amenity building (approximately 12,400 sq. ft), for a total project square footage of approximately 501,700 sf.
Open spaces plazas are integrated throughout the project and are located and designed to be compatible with the open space system of the recently entitled 100 East Grand project to the west. It is anticipated that the project would consist of approximately 60% R&D / laboratory uses, and 40% office uses, consistent with other office / R&D development within the East of 101 area. The project would also provide infrastructure upgrades, and circulation improvements to the pedestrian and bicycle networks and neighborhood connectivity, particularly focusing on access to the Caltrain station. The proposed site design, architectural details, and landscaping plans are all detailed in the project plan set, prepared by Flad Architects (Exhibit B to the Associated Entitlements Resolution).
Building Architecture and Site Design
The project at 120 East Grand is designed to be a world-class life science campus. The design of the buildings suggests an urban neighborhood concept with a variety and texture of scales that are connected to a mixture of diverse open spaces and streetscapes. Each building mass has been thoughtfully placed to address the unique urban conditions in the neighborhood while providing a coherent design language that keeps the buildings balanced with one another. These buildings work in concert with the landscape design to create a walkable campus and pedestrian-friendly streets for the area.
Expanding on the urban neighborhood concept, the façades integrate a mixture of concrete panels that are shaped to create scale, variety, depth, and texture with high-performance glazing. The architectural dialogue between façade materials and patterns creates visual interest that can be observed from many angles throughout the neighborhood and the city. At street levels and open spaces, solid panels fade away to more transparent glass to better connect to the outside and enhance the pedestrian experience.
Landscaping and Open Space
Landscaping and open space features are integrated throughout the project, and include a series of linked plazas, buffers and garden areas. The project includes East Grand Plaza at the northeast corner of East Grand and Sylvester, which also creates a connection to Jack Drago Park to the east. There are also open space plazas framing Sylvester Avenue outside of the entrances to Building and the amenity building, creating a central open space hub on Sylvester. A garden is planned for the courtyard between Building 2, the amenity building, and the parking garage. The plazas contain raised planters with benches, seating areas with movable furniture, wind screen elements, bike racks, as well as in-ground plantings that serve as bio-retention areas. The interior garden includes seating areas, movable furniture to provide flexibility for users, and a green wall. Open space areas are organized to connect internally, with pathways and crosswalks, and are also designed to connect to the surrounding planned developments.
The applicant has proposed a total landscaped area of 15% and the project open space is designed to be accessible, visible, well-lit, and meets the requirements of the South San Francisco Municipal Code (SSFMC) Section 20.310.002 (G), Open Space Design and Orientation.
Site Access and Circulation
The project site is accessed is from the intersection of East Grand Avenue and Sylvester Road, which will be improved to accommodate future development in this area. Pedestrians and cyclists arriving from the Caltrain station will use the sidewalk and bike facilities on the north side of East Grand, cross at the East Grand and Sylvester intersection, and enter the site from the northwest corner. There are bicycle and pedestrian circulation routes through the site, with bike rooms located in both buildings and the parking garage, and bike racks provided near building entrances, and within plazas.
Passenger and service vehicles both enter the site from East Grand and Sylvester, and passenger vehicles can access drop-off zones in front of Buildings 1 and 2, and the parking garage via internal circulation. Building entrances are oriented to the main pedestrian routes and open space plazas, focusing on creating a walkable environment on Sylvester Road. Vehicle traffic is separated from pedestrian traffic, with entrances to the parking structure from internal roadways to the south and east edges of the site, while pedestrian traffic is directed centrally to building entrances, plazas, and the interior courtyard.
The project will implement right-of-way improvements on street frontages on East Grand and Sylvester Road, designed to enhance the pedestrian environment and enhance walkability. The Conditions of Approval for the 120 East Grand project are coordinated with those for the 100 East Grand project (directly to the west, entitled in September 2022), to ensure installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of East Grand Avenue and Sylvester Road, and new pedestrian crosswalks at this intersection. Additional pedestrian and public realm improvements include new street trees, landscaping, and irrigation systems along public right-of-way, street and pedestrian lighting, landscaping improvements, trash receptacles, bike racks, and seating areas. The location proximate to the Caltrain station and downtown provides an excellent opportunity to develop this site as a transit-oriented development, with an emphasis on bicycle and pedestrian connections to Caltrain and shops, services, and amenities in downtown. The applicant has also submitted a draft Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plan to support alternate transportation modes and reduce single-occupancy car trips (discussed in detail later in this staff report).
As part of the entitlements application, Trammell Crow Company submitted a Local Traffic Operations Report (prepared by Hexagon Transportation Consultants, Attachment 1 to this staff report), conducted for the purpose of identifying the proposed project’s potential adverse effects on traffic operations. This analysis contains the following findings:
• Level of Service (LOS) analysis: Under cumulative conditions, six intersections would operate at an unacceptable level of service without the project and would continue to operate at LOS E or F with the project. The addition of project-generated trips would not cause any study intersections that operate at acceptable level of service to degrade to an unacceptable level of service.
• Freeway Ramp Analysis:
o Queues on the off-ramps under cumulative conditions would not exceed the capacity of the off-ramps. However, these queues may be longer based on the prevailing traffic conditions and vehicular queues on the surface streets as Grand Avenue and East Grand Avenue are expected to have a high increase in traffic volumes by 2040.
o On-ramps volume-to-capacity ratio would not exceed 1.0 for the two study on-ramps during the peak hours. However, it is noted that the freeway ramps are metered and during the peak traffic periods, ramp metering will always be adjusting the on-ramp flow based upon prevailing freeway operating conditions. Thus, when volume on the on-ramps exceed the metered capacity, there is a potential for vehicular queues to extend onto the surface streets. When the demand so far exceeds the capacity and travel conditions deteriorate, travelers are most likely to change the time they travel resulting in peak spreading or shift to alternative transportation modes.
General Plan
The General Plan designation for the project site is East of 101 Transit Core, which is described as a “transit-oriented community with a walkable street pattern and a vibrant mix of high-density multifamily and employment uses with supportive retail, services, and amenities”.
Development of the 120 East Grand Project will support many of the goals and policies of the Shape SSF General Plan, including:
• Land Use Goal 5: South San Francisco remains a hub of R&D employment, operations, and innovation and is home to the largest worldwide cluster of life science uses.
• Land Use Policy 5.5: Improve connectivity for R&D workforces.
• Parks and Recreation Policy PR-4.7: Provide publicly accessible, private open space.
• Economic Development Policy PE-4.2: Encourage growth near transit.
• Mobility Policy-2.1: Incorporate complete streets improvements into all roadway and development projects.
• Mobility Policy 3.1: Promote mode shift among employers. Manage the number of vehicle trips, with a focus on promoting mode shift among employers.
Downtown Station Area Specific Plan (DSASP)
The 120 East Grand project site is within the boundaries of the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan (DSASP), adopted in 2015. The DSASP contains policy direction related to redevelopment of the Eastern Neighborhood, directly adjacent to the Caltrain station, which includes the project site. The 120 East Grand R&D project implements the policy direction in the DSASP, including the following principles and strategies:
• Guiding Principle 4: Encourage redevelopment of the Eastern Neighborhood between Gateway Boulevard, the East Grand Avenue overcrossing and the US 101 corridor as a high intensity office/R&D district.
• Guiding Principle 8: Focus increases in residential and mixed-use densities within 1/4 mile of the Caltrain Station and in areas proximate to Grand Avenue to increase patronage of Caltrain as well as Grand Avenue businesses.
• Guiding Principle 10: Encourage high-density employment.
• Guiding Principle 11: Enhance the few existing streets with a more fine-grained pattern of vehicular and bicycle/pedestrian routes to allow convenient circulation throughout the area.
• Guiding Principle 16: Improve the Eastern Neighborhood street network to provide better vehicular connections and complete pedestrian and bicycle access within the neighborhood, and from the neighborhood to the Caltrain Station and the Downtown.
o UD-13: Improve Sylvester Road to accommodate vehicular access to building and parking while also providing bicycle lanes and minimum 10-foot sidewalks. Provide improved crosswalks, including corner bulb-outs to improve pedestrian crossing experience.
• Guiding Principle 17: Throughout the Specific Plan area, provide an attractive public realm that is accessible to persons of all abilities, including improved sidewalks, streetscapes, pedestrian crossings, plazas and open spaces.
• Guiding Principle 24: Ensure new development in the Eastern Neighborhood provides a significant amount of publicly-accessible open space within the development concepts for new office, R&D, or supporting uses.
• Guiding Principle 28: Provide for a balanced mix of travel modes - including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit and automobiles.
• Guiding Principle 29: Improve access to transit, especially the Caltrain Station.
The proposed high-intensity R&D development at the 120 East Grand site directly implements the vision of the DSASP, by providing a high-quality, high-intensity transit-oriented development use adjacent to the Caltrain station. The project includes pedestrian and bicycle improvements, as well as publicly accessible open space and landscape amenities.
East of 101 Transit Core (ETC) District / Site and Building Design Standards
The project site is in the East of 101 Transit Core (ETC) Zoning District. The maximum base floor area ratio (FAR) in the ETC district is 1.0, with up to 8.0 permitted with community benefits, and the height maximum is the maximum permitted by FAA regulations. As proposed, the project would be developed at a FAR of 2.5, consistent with the FAR permitted with the payment of a community benefits fee which the project will be paying as described further below, per SSFMC Section 20.395.003(A)(2). The height of each building was determined to be consistent with FAA regulations, with a determination of no hazard to mitigation issued for all three structures.
In addition to the development standards in the ETC zoning district, the Zoning Ordinance contains general citywide site and building design standards, to supplement district-specific standards (SSFMC Section 20.310). These standards contain requirements for building entrances, open space design and orientation, on-site circulation and parking, building materials and textures, and architectural integrity. The design of the project meets these standards, with a focus on high-quality design and materials, usable open spaces, and pedestrian and bicycle connections to and throughout the site. The project is designed to meet the ETC district zoning standards, as well as the citywide development standards.
Parking and Loading Requirements
Vehicle Parking
The recently updated Zoning Ordinance (2022) includes updated parking ratios to reflect transit-oriented locations, and the need to provide fewer parking spaces in order to incentivize and support alternative modes of transportation and reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips. SSFMC Section 20.330.004 (Required Parking Spaces) states that parking ratios required in the Zoning Ordinance are parking maximums. This is a policy change from the previous zoning ordinance, which provided parking ratios as required minimum parking.
The maximum parking ratio for R&D uses is 1.5 spaces / 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area (SSFMC Table 20.330.004 Required On-Site Parking Spaces). The project is proposing approximately 550,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area, which would permit a maximum of 825 parking spaces. The project is proposing 756 parking spaces, which is below the maximum amount, and consistent with the parking requirements.
Bicycle Parking
The 120 E. Grand R&D project includes short-term and long-term bike parking options for employees and visitors. SSFMC Section 20.330.007 includes standards for bicycle parking:
• Any establishment with 10 or more employees shall provide long-term bicycle parking in an amount equivalent to five percent of required vehicular spaces.
Based on this requirement, 120 E. Grand is required to provide 41 parking spaces, based on 825 maximum parking spaces. The project is providing 114 bike parking spaces, in a mix of long-term (76) and short-term (38) parking spaces, located throughout the project site. The project is far exceeding the number of required parking spaces, helping to support the proposed TDM plan and encourage bicycle use as a commute mode.
SSFMC Section 20.330.007 (Bicycle Parking) includes design and location, and security requirements for long- and short-term bicycle parking. As designed, the 120 East Grand project meets these requirements, and a project condition of approval is included to ensure that these requirements are met during project construction.
Loading Requirements
SSFMC Section 20.330.009 establishes requirements for on-site loading spaces for new buildings. Based on the proposed square footage, the 120 East Grand project is required to provide seven loading spaces for the project. SSFMC Section 20.330.009 (B)(1) includes a provision for a reduction in the number of loading spaces required, upon a finding by the Chief Planner and the City Engineer that the applicant has satisfactorily demonstrated that due to the nature of the proposed use, such loading space will not be needed.
The 120 East Grand project is proposing to provide three loading spaces, and the applicant has submitted a report prepared by American Trash Management that outlines the justification for the reduction in loading spaces (Attachment 2 to this staff report). The report finds that a project of this size and operating characteristics would have approximately eight commercial truck deliveries per day, which includes deliveries for food-related operations, as well as daily delivery trucks (Amazon, UPS, FedEx, etc.) which will be spread out from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Given the number of deliveries and the wide variation in arrival times, on almost all occasions not more than three delivery vehicles will be on site at any one time. Additionally, the project’s building management team will include a loading dock manager, who will be responsible for scheduling, assigning loading locations, and limiting truck size. Staff has reviewed this justification and supports the waiver for a loading space reduction to three spaces.
Transportation Demand Management Plan
The Shape SSF General Plan included an update to the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Ordinance (SSFMC Section 20.400). The updated ordinance uses a points-based TDM planning approach, to ensure that each development project contributes its fair share toward reducing vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled (VMT), while providing flexibility to be sensitive to the local development context, project type, and scale of the project. Required points are intended to align with the approximate level of auto travel reductions needed to achieve consistency with city, regional and state environmental goals. The TDM ordinance includes four tiers of compliance for different types and scales of development, based on their anticipated effects on the City’s transportation network.
The 120 East Grand R&D project is classified as a Tier 4 project, as it is an R&D project with at least 400,000 sq. ft. of floor area. Tier 4 requirements include:
• A total of 50 points
• Annual monitoring to achieve a maximum of 50 percent of employees commuting via driving alone
• Annual monitoring of a site-specific trip cap
The proposed TDM Plan, prepared by TDM Specialists, Inc. (Associated Entitlements Resolution, Exhibit C) includes a checklist, which achieves the required 50 points through a mix of required and optional trip reduction measures designed to reduce the number of peak hour vehicle trips, auto dependency, and the need for commuting by single-occupancy vehicle for project employees and visitors. The project design, transit-oriented location and programmatic TDM elements encourage alternative modes of transportation including walking, bicycling, micro-mobility options, carpooling, vanpooling, remote work, and public transit.
The proposed TDM measures are organized into three categories:
• Infrastructure and physical measures (pick-up / drop-off zones, campus walkability, pedestrian links to Downtown and Caltrain, bike path development, bike parking and repair station, designated carpool / vanpool parking facilities, on-site amenities and services)
• Programmatic measures (commuter concierge amenity, annual commuter fairs and programs, commuter incentives and rewards, transit subsidies, alternative work schedules and remote work options)
• Comprehensive monitoring and reporting (initial compliance forms, annual compliance forms and reports, annual mode share surveys, and annual site-specific trip cap surveys)
Tentative Parcel Map
As part of the overall entitlements, the applicant has submitted a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map, prepared by BKF Engineers (Associated Entitlements Resolution Exhibit C), to reconfigure the existing parcel pattern into four new parcels, consistent with the proposed development. Per Section 20.090.003 of the SSFMC, the minimum lot size in the ETC zoning district is 10,000 sq. ft., with a minimum lot width of 50 ft. Each of the proposed lots meets the development standards. The Engineering Division has reviewed the Vesting Tentative Parcel Map application and has included relevant conditions of approval.
The proposed project is consistent with recent sustainability regulations that have been adopted at State and local levels. Examples include Senate Bill 375, passed in 2008, which aims to create more efficient communities by providing alternatives to using single occupancy vehicles. Projects that link higher density development to transit help meet this goal. At the local level, the General Plan policies and implementing zoning for this area focus on linkages to Caltrain, other regional transit including SamTrans, and community amenities.
120 East Grand is designed as a high-density transit-oriented development, located proximate to Caltrain station, several bus routes and commuter shuttles, residential development in the Downtown, and retail and services. The building design incorporates a variety of green building features such as passive ventilation and cooling, large windows to provide natural daylight, robust insulation, high performance glazing, low-water landscaping, a selection of sustainably-produced materials, and electric vehicle charging spaces. The project also includes amenity spaces on-site, which will help capture trips internally. While not required by ordinance for non-residential buildings, the project is designed with all-electric buildings, which will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet the environmental goals, as well as reduce project energy costs.
The Design Review Board (DRB) initially reviewed the project on June 21, 2022. At this time, the project included Buildings 1, 2, and the parking structure. The Board was supportive of the project, site planning and architecture. DRB members suggested some changes to the landscaping plan, including a review of the proposed tree and plant species to ensure that they will be successful in the local climate, and recommend project approval. Following that meeting, the applicant had the opportunity to acquire an additional parcel, and resubmitted an updated plan set including the amenities building (Building 3), and also updated the landscape plan per the DRB’s comments. DRB reviewed the updated project at the August 16, 2022 meeting. The Board supported the updated site plan, and commented that the new amenities building will blend in well with the surrounding environment. Comment letters from both DRB meetings are included in Attachment 3 to this staff report.
The 120 E. Grand project is subject to the City’s impact and development fees, which are used to offset the impacts of new development on City services and infrastructure. The draft Conditions of Approval (Exhibit A to the Entitlements Resolution) list out the relevant impact fee estimates, summarized below:
• Childcare Fee: $737,400
• Citywide Transportation Fee: $17.1M
• Commercial Linkage Fee: $8.5M
• Public Safety Impact Fee: $640,000
• Parks Fee: $1.7M
• Library Impact Fee: $68,400
• Community Benefits Program Fee: $4M
• Public Art Requirement: On-site, or in-lieu contribution of .5% of construction costs
In 2015, the City Council certified a programmatic Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan (DSASP) (State Clearinghouse #2013102001) (CEQA Resolution, Exhibit A). The program EIR assessed the potential environmental impacts resulting from implementation of the DSASP, which established new land use, development, and urban design regulations for the area over a 20-year planning period. The EIR analyzed the impacts of 1,435 residential units, 511,780 square feet of commercial business space, 21,250 square feet of industrial space, 268,800 square feet of commercial retail space, and 1,185,000 square feet of office and research and development space. The 120 East Grand project proposal (when considered with previously entitled office and R&D development) exceeds the commercial square footage analyzed under the original DSASP EIR, thus the applicant and the City prepared an addendum to the DSASP EIR (CEQA Resolution, Exhibit B) to evaluate whether the 120 East Grand Project, either as a result of this increase in development or other project-specific or parcel-specific information, would result in new or substantially more severe environmental impacts than were disclosed in the DSASP EIR.
Per Section 15164(a) of the CEQA Guidelines, the lead agency or responsible agency shall prepare an Addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a Subsequent EIR (SEIR) or Negative Declaration have occurred. Per Section 15164(b), an Addendum to a certified EIR may be prepared if only minor technical changes or additions are necessary. The analysis within the addendum demonstrates that the proposed modifications to the DSASP project does not trigger the criteria set forth in Section 15162, and thus, an Addendum is the appropriate CEQA document and no further environmental review is needed.
The analysis completed for the EIR Addendum also supports CEQA streamlining, and categorical and statutory exemptions:
• Due to the Project's consistency with the densities permitted in the General Plan and Zoning Code, the City also finds that a streamlined environmental review process is appropriate pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, which allows a streamlined environmental review process for projects that are consistent with the densities established by existing zoning, community plan or general plan policies for which an EIR was certified.
• The project also meets the qualifications for an infill exemption, per CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, as it is consistent with General Plan and zoning designations, on an urban site less than five acres in size, the site has no value as a habitat area for endangered species, can be adequately served by utilities and services, and will not have significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality.
• The proposed project is exempt from CEQA per California Public Resources Code Section 21155.4, which establishes a statutory exemption from CEQA review for “employment center” projects that meet the specified requirements: a project located on a property zoned for commercial use with a FAR no less than 0.75 and that is located within a transit priority area, and is undertaken to implement and is consistent with a specific plan, for which an EIR has been certified. The Project is an employment center project because: the site is zoned East of 101 Transit Core, which permits commercial uses, including offices and research and development; the 120 E. Grand project proposes an FAR of 2.5; the project site is located within one-half mile of the City’s Caltrain station, and the project is consistent with and implements the DSASP, for which a Program EIR has been certified.
The project would be subject to all relevant mitigation measures included in the DSASP EIR Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (MMRP) (CEQA Resolution, Exhibit C).
The proposed project seeks to transform underutilized parcels in the Caltrain station area into a transit-oriented, R&D development that will provide new employment opportunities, new publicly-accessible open space amenities, and an improved public realm, focusing on pedestrian and bicycle connections to Caltrain. In addition, the proposed development conforms to the vision articulated in the DSASP and the General Plan, and proposes a high-quality design that is consistent with the zoning standards and design guidelines of the ETC zoning district.
Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission take the following actions:
1. Adopt a resolution making findings and a determination that the 120 East Grand project is fully within the scope of the environmental analysis in the previously certified 2015 Downtown Station Area Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report, and that the project Addendum is the appropriate environmental document for the project, and that no further review is required per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines 15164(b), is subject to streamlined environmental review per CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, is categorically exempt from CEQA per CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, and is statutorily exempt from CEQA per California Public Resources Code Section 21155.4.
1. Adopt a resolution making findings approving the entitlements request for Project P22-0039, including Design Review (DR22-0015), Vesting Tentative Parcel Map (PM23-0002), and Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDM22-0003), subject to the draft Conditions of Approval.
1. Local Traffic Operations Report
2. Loading Spaces Memo
3. Design Review Board Letters, June, 2022 and August, 2022
Associated Resolutions and Exhibits
1. 100 E. Grand CEQA Resolution (File ID#23-381)
A. 2015 DSASP EIR (available online <https://weblink.ssf.net/weblink/0/doc/198023/Page1.aspx>)
B. 120 E. Grand Addendum
a. CEQA Exhibit A: Air Quality and GHG Emissions Assessment
b. CEQA Exhibit B: Arborist’s Report
c. CEQA Exhibit C: Historic Resources Evaluation Report
d. CEQA Exhibit D: Phase 1 ESA - 120 E. Grand
e. CEQA Exhibit E: Phase 1 ESA - 160-180 Sylvester Road
f. CEQA Exhibit F: Phase 1 ESA- 145 Sylvester Road
g. CEQA Exhibit G: Phase 1 ESA - 129 Sylvester Road
h. CEQA Exhibit H: Phase 2 ESA
i. CEQA Exhibit I: Noise Technical Report
j. CEQA Exhibit J: Transportation Analysis
k. CEQA Exhibit K: TDM Plan
l. CEQA Exhibit L: Paleontological Resources Report
m. CEQA Exhibit M: Archaeological Resources Report
C. DSASP Mitigation and Monitoring Program (MMRP)
2. 120 E. Grand Entitlements Resolution (File ID#23-382)
A. 120 E. Grand Draft Conditions of Approval
B. 120 E. Grand Project Plan Set
C. 120 E. Grand Vesting Tentative Map
D. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program