Report regarding a resolution authorizing the acceptance of $20,000 from the Broadcom Foundation, via the South San Francisco Friends of the Library, to support STEM programming in South San Francisco through the Bay Area STEM Ecosystem and accepting Budget Amendment 19.037. (Valerie Sommer, Library Director)
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the acceptance of $20,000 in grant funding from Broadcom Foundation, via the South San Francisco Friends of the Library, to support STEM programming in South San Francisco through the Bay Area STEM Ecosystem and accepting Budget Amendment 19.037.
The Bay Area STEM Ecosystem focuses on increasing equity and access to science, technology, engineering and math learning opportunities for all youth in South San Francisco. Library employee Karla Bourdon serves on the STEM Ecosystem steering committee, and members of the Library Department, Parks and Recreation Department, South San Francisco Unified School District, South San Francisco Boys & Girls Club and other local STEM agencies such as Genentech and California Academy of Sciences participate in the STEM Ecosystem.
The Bay Area STEM Ecosystem has been awarded $20,000 from the Broadcom Foundation via the South San Francisco Friends of the Library to fund Bay Area STEM Ecosystem work. As part of the STEM Ecosystem leadership, the Community Learning Center was selected to spearhead an effort to build on existing work being performed through the San Mateo County STEM Out of School grant to build partnerships and an informal STEM community within South San Francisco. The STEM Ecosystem grant would be used to enhance that partnership by providing staff training and public programming support to the agencies in the South San Francisco STEM community.
The $20,000 grant was awarded to the South San Francisco Friends of the Library, as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with the stipulation that the funds be turned over to the City to support the Bay Area STEM Ecosystem. The $20,000 grant will be used to amend the Library Department’s FY 2018-19 Operating Budget per Budget Amendment 19.037. Receipt of these funds does not commit the City to ongoing funding.
Receipt of these funds will enable the Bay Area STEM Ecosystem to leverage the current STEM activities to after-school program students and build or expand partnerships with local providers and community colleges. It is recommended that the City Council accept a $20,000 in grant funding from the Broadcom Foundation via the South San Francisco Friends of the Library and approve Budget Amendment 19.037.