Resolution making findings and recommending that the City Council approve a Design Review permit (DR23-0037) for the new Aquatic Center at Orange Memorial Park within the Parks and Recreation (P&R) Zoning District
WHEREAS, the City of South San Francisco (“Applicant”) has proposed the construction of a new aquatic center in a 6.5-acre site within in Orange Memorial Park, referred to as “Project Site,” in the City consisting of a new building with an indoor pool and an attached outdoor pool (“Project”); and
WHEREAS, the proposed Project is located within the Parks and Recreation (P&R) General Plan Land Use Designation and Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, the applicant seeks approval of a Design Review Permit (DR23-0037) for the Project; and
WHEREAS, approval of the applicant’s proposal is considered a “project” for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act, Pub. Resources Code §21000, et seq. (“CEQA”); and
WHEREAS, on behalf of the City, SWCA Environmental Consultants prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (“IS/MND”) for the Project (ND23-0005) analyzing the potential environmental effects of the Project, which was submitted to the State Clearinghouse (SCH No. 2023090168) and the San Mateo County Clerk and was circulated for a 30-day public review period, beginning on September 11, 2023, and ending on October 9, 2023; and
WHEREAS, the City received two comment letters on the IS/MND during the applicable comment period; and
WHEREAS, the City determined that the comments identified during the comment period do not result in new significant impacts or mitigation measures, or changed impact conclusions; and
WHEREAS, the City determined that responses to comments and corrections to the IS/MND do not require recirculation of the IS/MND or warrant the preparation of an environmental impact report under sections 15073.5 and 15074.1 of the CEQA Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, the IS/MND concluded that, although the Project could have a potentially significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the IS/MND identifies measures that will be incorporated into the Project, which will either avoid or mitigate to a level of insignificance all potentially significant or significant effects of the Project; and
WHEREAS, on November 2, 2023, the Planning Commission for the City of South San Francisco held a lawfully noticed public hearing to solicit public comment and consider the environmental effects of the Project and proposed entitlements and take public testimony; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed and carefully considered the information in the Orange Memorial Park IS/MND and by separate resolution, recommended that the City Council certify the IS/MND; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission exercised its independent judgment and analysis, and considered all reports, recommendations, and testimony before making a determination on the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based on the entirety of the record before it, which includes without limitation, the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code §21000, et seq. (“CEQA”) and the CEQA Guidelines, 14 California Code of Regulations §15000, et seq.; the South San Francisco General Plan and General Plan EIR; the South San Francisco Municipal Code; the Project applications; the Project Plans, as prepared by ELS Architecture, dated August 28, 2023; the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, as prepared by SWCA Environmental Consultants, dated September 8, 2023; all site plans, and all reports, minutes, and public testimony submitted as part of the Planning Commission’s duly noticed November 2, 2023 meeting; and any other evidence (within the meaning of Public Resources Code §21080(e) and §21082.2), the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco, based on substantial evidence in the record, hereby finds as follows:
A. General Findings
1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this Resolution.
2. The Exhibits attached to this Resolution, including Conditions of Project Approval (Exhibit A) and Project Plan Set (Exhibit B) are each incorporated by reference and made a part of this Resolution, as if set forth fully herein.
3. The documents and other material constituting the record for these proceedings are located at the Planning Division for the City of South San Francisco, 315 Maple Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080, and in the custody of the Chief Planner.
4. By a separate resolution, the Planning Commission, exercising its independent judgment and analysis, has found that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment.
B. Design Review
1. The Project, including Design Review, is consistent with Title 20 of the South San Francisco Municipal Code because the Project has been designed as a high-quality recreation facility, which will provide a state-of-the-art aquatic center, and achieve a sustainable building and landscape design.
2. The Project, including Design Review, is consistent with the General Plan because the proposed office / R&D development is consistent with the policies and design direction provided in the South San Francisco Park and Recreation Land Use designation by developing public recreation facilities within a public park.
3. The Project, including Design Review, is consistent with the applicable design guidelines adopted by the City Council in that the proposed Project is consistent with the P&R Zoning District development standards and the Citywide development standards, as evaluated in the Zoning Ordinance Compliance analysis for the Project.
4. The Project, including Design Review, is consistent with other planning or zoning approval that the Project requires for the reasons stated above.
5. The Project is consistent with the applicable design review criteria in South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 20.480.006 (“Design Review Criteria”) because the Project has been evaluated by the Design Review Board on March 21, 2023 and June 20, 2023, and found to be consistent with each of the eight design review criteria included in the “Design Review Criteria” section of the Ordinance.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco hereby makes the findings contained in this Resolution and recommends that the City Council approve the entitlements request for the Orange Memorial Park Aquatic Center (P23-0029: DR23-0037) subject to the attached Conditions of Approval.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption.
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