Report regarding a resolution approving and authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of South San Francisco and Redwood Public Law, LLP (Leah Lockhart, Human Resources Director)
By resolution, approve and authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of South San Francisco and Redwood Public Law, LLP to provide for additional labor negotiations services.
On February 28, 2024, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement between the City of South San Francisco and Redwood Public Law, LLC for legal services (Attachment 1). Through this agreement, the City extended the appointment of Sky Woodruff as City Attorney as he transitioned from Meyers Nave to establish a new law firm of Redwood Public Law, LLP. Several attorneys who had provided legal services to the City under the former agreement with Meyers Nave transitioned to Redwood Public Law, providing continued services in specialized areas, including labor and employment law.
On July 1, 2025, collective bargaining agreements with the City’s seven (7) employee units will expire, and negotiations for successor agreements will begin in early 2025. In addition, in May 2024, the City agreed to coalition bargaining with groups represented by AFSCME Local 829 and Teamsters Local 856. Therefore, staff identified an increased need for labor relations services, including appointments of Chief Negotiators for each table. On December 11, 2024, staff met with City Council in closed session to discuss planning for labor negotiations. At that meeting, Council directed staff to extend the existing agreement with Christopher Boucher of Boucher Law, PC (an administrative extension of time only), to serve as Chief Negotiator for up to four groups. In addition, due to the number of employee groups and the potential complexity of the coalition bargaining group, Council directed staff to prepare to appoint Senior of Counsel Jesse Lad from Redwood Public Law as Chief Negotiator for the coalition bargaining group.
Jesse Lad has served as legal counsel to the City on labor and employment law matters for several years, and is familiar with City’s policies, practices, and labor agreements. Although he has not previously served as Chief Labor Negotiator for the City, he has extensive experience and a proven track record serving in this role for numerous cities, special districts in California. Several Bay Area cities, including the cities of Napa, Walnut Creek, Modesto, San Leandro, Larkspur, Union City, and Newark. Although the current agreement with Redwood Public Law includes rates for Mr. Lad’s advisory services, it did not contemplate his appointment as Chief Labor Negotiator, which is normally billed at a higher rate of $425 per hour. This is the same hourly rate as the existing agreement with Boucher Law and is comparable to firms providing similar services with similarly qualified negotiators.
Additional hours for Chief Labor Negotiator services at the revised rate is estimated to be approximately $25,000-$30,000, which will be absorbed by the existing City Attorney budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25. This estimate assumes that a tentative agreement will be reached by July 1, 2025, with a typical frequency and duration of meetings, and with the understanding that total costs may vary in the event that negotiations extend beyond that date.
The amendment to increase services for a Chief Labor Negotiator supports the City’s strategic priority of Workforce Development, by sustaining strong and collaborative relationships with employee organizations and ensuring that the City maintains an appropriate compensation package to attract and retain a high performing workforce.
By approving an amendment to the agreement with Redwood Public Law for labor negotiations services and authorizing the City Manager to execute the amendment, Council will provide staff with the necessary resources for successful labor negotiations in alignment with the City’s goals and priorities.
1. Professional Services Agreement between the City of South San Francisco and Redwood Public Law