City of South San Francisco header
File #: 23-106    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/30/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/8/2023 Final action: 2/8/2023
Title: Resolution authorizing the submittal of a second application for the San Mateo County Shuttle program funding in an amount of $597,476.25 and committing a 25% matching contribution of $199,158.75 from South San Francisco Local Measure A funds, to provide additional shuttle services in South San Francisco
Related files: 23-62




Resolution authorizing the submittal of a second application for the San Mateo County Shuttle program funding in an amount of $597,476.25 and committing a 25% matching contribution of $199,158.75 from South San Francisco Local Measure A funds, to provide additional shuttle services in South San Francisco



WHEREAS, there is a need to provide free public transportation options within the City of South San Francisco (“City”); and


WHEREAS, the South City Shuttle is a project to provide shuttle service beginning and ending at the South San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (“BART”) station, circling the City, and making stops at key public facilities (“Project”); and


WHEREAS, there is sufficient ridership on the existing South City Shuttle to indicate the Project provides an important service to the South San Francisco community; and


WHEREAS, based on the feedback received from the community, there is a demand for expansion of South City Shuttle service to additional neighborhoods of South San Francisco; and


WHEREAS, to meet this demand, the city desires to expand shuttle operations into neighborhoods not currently serviced by existing routes; and


WHEREAS, the estimated project cost to implement an additional route of the South City Shuttle is $796,635, which includes a required local match of twenty-five percent; and


WHEREAS, the City wishes to sponsor the expansion of the South City Shuttle Project; and


WHEREAS, the City seeks $597,476.25 in grant funding to implement the Project; and


WHEREAS, the City commits a 25% matching contribution of $199,158.75 for the Project over two fiscal years (FY 2023 - 2024 and FY 2024 - 2025); and


WHEREAS, on June 7, 1988, the voters of San Mateo County approved a ballot measure to allow the collection and distribution by the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) of a half-cent transactions and use tax in San Mateo County for 25 years, with the tax revenues to be used for highway and transit improvements pursuant to the Transportation Expenditure Plan presented to the voters (Original Measure A); and


WHEREAS, on November 2, 2004, the voters of San Mateo County approved the continuation of the collection and distribution by the TA the half-cent transactions and use tax for an additional 25 years to implement the 2004 Transportation Expenditure Plan beginning January 1, 2009 (New Measure A); and


WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) of San Mateo County at its February 14, 2002 meeting approved the Congestion Relief Plan and subsequently reauthorized the Congestion Relief Plan in 2007, 2010, 2015 and 2019; and


WHEREAS, a component of the C/CAG Congestion Relief Plan is to support Local and Employer Based Shuttle Programs; and


WHEREAS, the TA and C/CAG issued a joint Call for Projects for the San Mateo County Shuttle Program on January 13, 2023, and


WHEREAS, the TA and C/CAG require the City's governing board to adopt a resolution:

1.                     Supporting the expansion of the South City Shuttle Project and the City's application for $597,476.25 in TA Measure A Shuttle Program funds for the Project;

2.                     Committing the City to the completion of the Project, including the commitment of matching funds in the amount of $199,158.75 needed for implementation.

3.                     Certifying that any funds awarded by the TA or C/CAG will be used to supplement existing funds for program activities, and will not replace existing funds or resources; and

4.                     If funds are awarded, authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to sign a funding agreement or memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the TA and, if necessary, C/CAG, for Shuttle Program funding for the Project and to take any other actions necessary to give effect to this resolution. 


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco:


1.                     Directs staff to submit an application for funding from the San Mateo County Shuttle Program for $597,476.25 for the expansion of the South City Shuttle Project;


2.                     Authorizes the City Manager, or designee, to execute a funding agreement or MOU with the San Mateo County Transportation Authority and, if necessary, the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County to encumber San Mateo County Shuttle Program funds;

3.                     Commits to completing the Project, including contributing $199,158.75 of matching funds needed for Project implementation, if the requested funds are awarded;

4.                     Certifies that any funds awarded by the TA or C/CAG will be used to supplement existing funds for program activities, and will not replace existing funds or resources; and

5.                     Authorizes the City Manager, or designee, to take any other actions necessary to give effect to this resolution.






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