Report regarding a resolution to amend the wage and salary schedule for the City of South San Francisco for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and approving budget amendment number 23.039 (Leah Lockhart, Human Resources Director)
It is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution to amend the wage and salary schedule to establish the classification of Deputy Fire Marshal, and to approve budget amendment number 23.039 to reclassify the position of Assistant to the City Manager to Deputy City Manager
The City maintains a wage and salary schedule (“Salary Schedule”) for all positions of employment with the City, and any amendments to the salary schedule are subject to City Council approval. The salary schedule corresponds to the City’s classification plan, which provides for job descriptions and minimum qualifications for each position listed in the salary schedule. The classification of City positions is subject to the City Manager’s approval, within the parameters established Council-approved position budget. Staff recommends approval of the following changes to the Salary Schedule and position budget for fiscal year 2022-2023:
Deputy Fire Marshal
Currently, the South San Francisco Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Bureau is staffed with a Fire Marshal and four Safety Inspectors. The Fire Department has identified a need for a working supervisor position to support the Fire Marshal in planning, organizing, and managing the operations of the Fire Prevention Bureau, and to act as Fire Marshal in their absence. This position would also conduct fire investigations, assist with complex inspections or plan reviews, and coordinate the work of the unit. The creation of a Deputy Fire Marshal position also supports the City’s succession planning efforts by creating a promotional opportunity for fire prevention staff into a supervisory-level role. Those that aspire to a higher management role such as Fire Marshal would have the opportunity to obtain supervisory experience and involvement in more complex assignments. Funds for this position were included in the current fiscal year operating budget, and the recommended pay rate is $68.37-$83.11 per hour, or $142,210-$1752,869 annually.
Reclassification of Assistant City Manager to Deputy City Manager
On November 11, 2022 Council approved the establishment of a Deputy City Manager classification to reflect the expanded scope of duties of the Communications Director. Concurrently, a job analysis was conducted on the Assistant to the City Manager position to determine if the classification and salary level was still appropriate for the position’s current job duties. As a result of this analysis, staff recommends reclassifying the Assistant to the City Manager to Deputy City Manager. The Assistant to the City Manager serves as the City’s Chief Sustainability Officer, leading public engagement and other implementation activities related to the City’s 2022 Climate Plan. She has also managed and implemented significant and complex projects and initiatives such as the COVID-19 Emergency Operations, the Guaranteed Income Pilot Program, the creation of a Community Facilities District, and establishment of the City’s Local Minimum Wage Ordinance. This position also serves as the liaison to several regional bodies and agencies, such as the San Mateo Harbor District, the San Mateo County Transportation District and related agencies. The level and scope of these duties are more consistent with a Deputy City Manager position. This action will result in two Deputy City Manager positions, offering a greater degree of flexibility in assignments and priorities as the needs of the City continue to evolve. As the Deputy City Manager classification carries a higher salary than the Assistant to the City Manager salary, an amendment to the City Manager’s Office position budget is recommended.
The position of Deputy Fire Marshal was included in the Fire Department’s operating budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. The reclassification of the Assistant to the City Manager to Deputy City Manager will result in increased salary and benefits costs of approximately $19,500 for the remainder of the fiscal year. This cost can be absorbed by anticipated vacancy savings within the City Manager Office’s budget for the current fiscal year, and the full cost will be included in the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year operating budget.
This action supports City Council’s strategic priority of Workforce Development, by ensuring that the City maintains a competitive compensation package to attract and retain a high-performance workforce, and ensuring the necessary staffing structure for effective service to the community.
Staff recommends that Council approve a resolution to amend the wage and salary schedule to establish the classification of Deputy Fire Marshal, and to approve budget amendment number 23.039 to allow for the reclassification of the Assistant to the City Manager to Deputy City Manager.
1. Job Description for Deputy Fire Marshal