City of South San Francisco header
File #: 25-37    Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/9/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/26/2025 Final action: 2/26/2025
Title: Resolution accepting $100,000 in SMCTA 2024 ACR/TDM Cycle 2 (Grant) Program Funding; accepting $10,000 in C/CAG Local Match Funding; accepting $30,000 in C/CAG Construction Management (CM) Funding; approving associated Budget Amendment Number 25.037; approving contract amendments with C/CAG, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. and Zoon Engineering, Inc., for the South San Francisco, Smart Corridor Expansion Project. (Project No. tr2002).
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A - Draft Fourth Amendment to CCAG FA, 2. Exhibit B – Draft Fifth Amendment to Kimley-Horn CSA, 3. Exhibit C – Draft Second Amendment to Zoon Engineering CSA
Related files: 25-36


Resolution accepting $100,000 in SMCTA 2024 ACR/TDM Cycle 2 (Grant) Program Funding; accepting $10,000 in C/CAG Local Match Funding; accepting $30,000 in C/CAG Construction Management (CM) Funding; approving associated Budget Amendment Number 25.037; approving contract amendments with C/CAG, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. and Zoon Engineering, Inc., for the South San Francisco, Smart Corridor Expansion Project. (Project No. tr2002).



WHEREAS, the South San Francisco segment of the Smart Corridor Project is part of the overall countywide traffic management system Smart Corridors deployment; and


WHEREAS, in June 2024, SMCTA conducted a countywide call for projects for Cycle 2 of the ACR/TDM program, and with consent from SSF CC, staff prepared and applied for the Intelligent Transportation Systems grant to address the project need for the Incident Response Timing Plans, and Strategies; and


WHEREAS, in December 2024, the TA Board officially adopted by resolution, the final program of projects receiving funding in Cycle 2 of the ACR/TDM program which authorized $100,000 in funding for the development and integration of the Incident Response Timing Plan and Strategies for the SSF Smart Corridor Expansion Project; and


WHEREAS, C/CAG, as the funding agency for the project, has provided $2,517,000 of funding for design and construction of South San Francisco Smart Corridor Expansion Project pursuant to a Funding Agreement between the City and C/CAG; and


WHEREAS, C/CAG, in February 2025, approved $10,000 in additional funding for the required 10% Local Match of the SMCTA ACR/TDM grant, and $30,000 in additional funding to extend Construction Management (CM) services for the additional phase of the project; and


WHEREAS, staff recommends approving a Funding Agreement amendment with C/CAG accepting the additional $140,000 in funding for a total contract authority funding budget from C/CAG of $2,557,000; and


WHEREAS, staff recommends approving Budget Amendment #25.037 which would amend the fiscal year 2024/25 Capital Improvement Program to increase the Smart Corridors Expansion Project (tr2002) budget by $140,000; and










WHEREAS, in December 2019, the City authorized a Consulting Services Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for design services on the SSF Smart Corridor Expansion project in an amount not to exceed $336,000; and thereafter authorized multiple amendments to the Consulting Services Agreement, increasing the contract authority budget to the current not to exceed the amount of $580,000; and


WHEREAS, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. is the City’s design engineer for the South San Francisco Segment of the Smart Corridor Project; and


WHEREAS, to date, Kimley-Horn has provided professional services to complete the design, permitting, construction documents, and provided design support during construction; and


WHEREAS, staff recommends approving an amendment to the Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. contract to provide additional design support during construction and to assist with developing and implementing incident response timing plans and strategies for an additional amount of $110,000, and authorizing a total contract authority budget of $690,000; and


WHEREAS, in May 2021, the City authorized a Consulting Services Agreement with Zoon Engineering, Inc. for construction management and inspection services on the SSF Smart Corridor Expansion project in an amount not to exceed $633,305; and thereafter authorized an amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement, increasing the contract authority budget to the current not to exceed amount of $813,305; and


WHEREAS, Zoon Engineering, Inc. is the City’s construction management and inspection consultant for the South San Francisco Segment of the Smart Corridor Project; and


WHEREAS, to date, Zoon Engineering has provided professional services to assist in management and inspection of the construction phase of the project; and


WHEREAS, staff recommends approving an amendment to the Zoon Engineering, Inc. contract to provide additional construction management and inspection services for an additional amount of $90,000, and authorizing a total contract authority budget of $903,305; and


WHEREAS, the budget increase and contract amendments as recommended herein will continue to facilitate the Smart Corridor South San Francisco expansion project as a joint effort between the City, C/CAG and the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans).


WHEREAS, the City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG), as the funding agency for the project, has approved a funding budget of $2,557,000, and has assisted the City of South San Francisco in securing a total of $5,742,000 in grant funding to establish a total project budget in the amount of $8,659,000 for the design and construction of the South San Francisco segment of the Smart Corridor Project; and


WHEREAS, the proposed budget increase and contract amendments all fall within the total project budget; and


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of South San Francisco hereby takes the following actions:


1.                     Accepts $100,000 from the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (SMCTA), 2024 ACR/TDM Cycle 2 (Grant) Program Funding; accepts $10,000 in C/CAG funding for the SMCTA grant Local Match; accepts $30,000 in C/CAG funding for additional Construction Management (CM) services.


2.                     Approves associated Budget Amendment Number 25.037 which would amend the Fiscal Year 2024/25 Capital Improvement Program to increase the Smart Corridor Project (tr2002) budget by $140,000.


3.                     Approves a contract amendment with C/CAG, a draft of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein, for an additional $40,000 in budget, extending the contract term of services and authorizing a total contract authority budget of $2,557,000.


4.                     Authorizes the City Manager to execute an agreement amendment with C/CAG, in substantially the same form as Exhibit A, and to make any revisions, amendments, or modifications deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution, which do not materially alter or increase the City’s obligations thereunder, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney.


5.                     Approves a contract amendment with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., a draft of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein, for an additional $110,000 in contingency, and authorizing a total consulting services contract authority budget of $690,000.


6.                     Authorizes the City Manager to execute the agreement amendment with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in substantially the same form as Exhibit B, and to make any revisions, amendments, or modifications deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution, which do not materially alter or increase the City’s obligations thereunder, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney.


7.                     Approves a contract amendment with Zoon Engineering, Inc., a draft of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein, for an additional $90,000 in contingency, extending the contract term of services, and authorizing a total consulting services contract authority budget of $903,305.


8.                     Authorizes the City Manager to execute the agreement amendment with Zoon Engineering, Inc., in substantially the same form as Exhibit C, and to make any revisions, amendments, or modifications deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution, which do not materially alter or increase the City’s obligations thereunder, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco authorizes the Finance Department to establish the Project Budget consistent with the information contained in the staff report and authorizes the City Manager to utilize unspent amount of the total Project Budget, if necessary, towards additional professional services or construction contingency budget, and authorizes the City Manager to execute such agreement amendments or modifications deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution, which do not materially alter or increase the City’s obligations thereunder, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of South San Francisco authorizes the City Manager to take any other related actions consistent with the intention of the Staff Report and Resolution.




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